Rainbow Childcare Supports Charity

Rainbow Childcare is proud to announce it’s continued support for R.C.C. International charity, and The Make a Wish Foundation.

R.C.C. International is a Christian charity working to improve the lives of under privileged children both here and overseas. We particularly support their vision to build orphanages for abandoned babies and young children in Latin America.

At Rainbow we aim to teach our pre-school about the wider world. We write to nursery children in Guatemala and Mexico City and incorporate that into our learning of global awareness.

The Make a Wish Foundation is a UK charity granting wishes of children and young people age 3 to 17 living with life-threatening illnesses.

In 2008 we raised £2,300.00 by hosting a pyjama week in nursery. Well done everyone.
We hope to be able to raise even more in 2009.